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SmartStar Energias Renováveis Inteligentes S.A.
SmartStar Energias Renováveis Inteligentes S.A.
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Company headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro, formed by professionals who have over 30 years of professional experience in the energy consulting market. Focused on generation, energy efficiency and energy management, with systemic action in consulting, research and development of projects and implementation of solutions in the areas of renewable energy. Benefiting from resolution 482/2012 (ANEEL), which establishes the general conditions for access to micro-generation and mini-generation attributed to electric energy distribution and compensation systems, the company offers great competitive advantages in the development, management and completion of projects.

With a purchasing and quality control office in Shanghai, China covers not only the Chinese market, but the entire Southeast Asia as well. SmartStar has solid partnerships with state-of-the-art high technology providers.

Today we also have our newest acquisition... the office in Haifa, Israel as a new Research & Development (R&D) center. A country is renowned for bringing countless technologies to the world market.

SmartStar is always evolving to bring what is most modern and technological to our commercial partners throughout Brazil.

Develop and deploy solar photovoltaic plants of any size, energy efficiency solutions, energy management, energy from renewable sources and reduce losses in the supply and distribution of essential inputs (energy, water and gas).

To be recognized worldwide as a center of excellence, developer of the best technological platform for smart and sustainable solutions for high efficiency in electricity and mitigation of losses in water, gas and air conditioning systems.

Large and medium-sized companies, hospitals, shopping centers, retailers, industry and any company that needs to reduce the cost of electricity, water consumption, sewage disposal and gas consumption.

We conduct all business within a framework of absolutely professional standards, respecting legislation, regulations and internal policies.
Thus, we formalize and carefully follow a Code of Ethics based on Principles and Values, primarily from the partners and managers of SmartStar itself, applicable to all people, public and private institutions that integrate and/or interact with us.

Each SmartStar employee has an obligation to know and understand the guidelines of the Code of Ethics, as well as, above all, the principles and values ​​on which it is based.
Solutions & Services

  • Implementation of intelligent monitoring systems (Smart Grid with its own patents) and energy management;
  • Projects for power generation plants from renewable sources (on-grid or off-grid);
  • Structuring of distributed generation and micro distributed generation projects;
  • Construction of power generation plants from renewable sources (on-grid or off-grid);
  • Implementation of new renewable technologies;
  • Consultancy on energy efficiency and technical management;
  • Development of bespoke projects;
  • Installation Services;
  • Implementation and management of Smart Energy, Water and Gas Metering;
  • Nationalization of technologies under specific customer demands;
  • Efficient and intelligent lighting projects;
  • Development of training and lectures, whether at the level of Professional or Academic Education.

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